It is known that ADHD patients have reduced quantity and function of the neurotransmitters dopamine and noradrenaline in specific parts of the brain. This imbalance causes problems with concentration, impulse control and restlessness. In fact, ADHD medication increases the quantity or function of dopamine and noradrenaline in specific areas of the brain.
Non-24-hour medication
A joint feature of the drugs in this medication group is that they act approximately 20-60 minutes after the child takes the pill. The short-acting drugs act for 3-4 hours and the extended-release medication acts for 6-12 hours.
Some children only need to be covered by medication during school hours and do fine without medication during their leisure time or at home. Conversely, other children also need to be covered outside school hours.
At the same time, it is very different from child to child how quickly they metabolise the medicine. Therefore, the same medication may work for a longer period of time in some children, while other children do not have an equally long-lasting effect.
Therefore, some children need to take medication several times a day to be properly helped, while other children only need to take the medication once a day.
Non-24-hour medication
Short-acting (acts for 3-4 hours)
- Ritalin, Motiron, Medikinet
- Attentin
Extended-release medication
- Ritalin Uno, Medikinet CR, Equasym (acts for 6-8 hours)
- Concerta/Methylphenidate (acts for 8-10 hours)
- Elvanse (acts for 10-12 hours)
24-hour medication
- Strattera/Atomoxetin
- Intuniv/Guanfacin
Side effects
The various drugs have different side effects. Many of the drugs may result in less appetite and sometimes nausea.
Some children may experience a mood deterioration or aggression, while other children may experience a mood improvement and reduced aggression. Likewise, some medication may exacerbate anxiety, and other medication may reduce anxiety. Some children may have a negative impact on their sleep from the medication, while other children sleep better on medication.
Children who have a tendency towards tics can sometimes experience that they develop more, and more pronounced, tics. Conversely, the tics may also become fewer when the child is put on medication.
Blood pressure and heart rate may increase slightly, but this is most often of no importance.
24-hour medication
The 24-hour drugs Strattera and Atomoxetine have less appetite-reducing effect. Intuniv is completely different from the other drugs: it lowers pulse and blood pressure slightly and often results in increased appetite.
The side effects often diminish when the child has become used to the treatment, but, other times, it may be necessary to change medication because of side effects.